Privacy Policy

Your personal data is securely protected

Terms & Conditions

We are committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy describes how and why we process your personal data when you access our website at (hereinafter “the website”), in the course of our marketing and recruitment activities, for communicating our services and business development.

This policy also sets forth your privacy rights and explains how to get in touch with us if needed.

Who are we?

Gehad El-Sobky (“us”, “we”, “our”, or “Gehad El-Sobky”) has created this website to communicate with casual visitors, potential clients, and companies interested in our services as well as to provide information about Gehad El-Sobky. We welcome visitors to casually view information on our website and to use the site to directly communicate with Gehad El-Sobky.

By visiting this website, you accept our Privacy Policy and agree that we may collect personal data during your website visit. If you disagree with this Privacy Policy, please feel free to leave the website.

What data do we collect?

We collect, store and use data that is essential for giving visitors the maximum benefit from our website.

We collect the following data during your website session:

  • Information you provide directly via contact forms or email messages, including your email address, phone number, name, surname, company name, job title, postal address, and other information you are willing to provide us.
  • Data about your behavior on web pages during your visit and information about how you navigate the website.
  • Statistics, such as particular pages you visit, the number of unique website entries, the browser from which you visit the website, your screen resolution, and the platform you use.

How do we use this data?

Personal data submitted to us through this website and personal data we collected from you, will be used (processed) for the purposes specified in this Policy

As a rule, your personal data will be used to:

  • Respond to your inquiries and send you requests or promotional materials.
  • Improve your website experience during your next session.
  • Tailor-specific offers or shows targeted content via suggestions, newsletters, or customized pages.
  • Communicate with you via different platforms, such as social media, email, telephone, and other networks. You can opt-out of receiving this targeted content. Still, for other campaigns, we may use your data to deliver improved messaging for other users.
  • Comply with legal requirements, such as for preventing crimes, aiding in investigations, or preventing loss or fraud, in which case we may have to share data within the scope of legal proceedings.

Personal data processed by Gehad El-Sobky is not subject to profiling and automated decision-making.

What are your rights?

We aim to be completely transparent in how we use your personal data and take reasonable steps to allow you to correct, amend, delete, or limit the use of your personal data.

You have the following data protection rights:

  • The right to be informed about the collection and use of your personal data. At any time, you can file an access request with us and ask for a copy of your personal data in a commonly used electronic format.
  • The right to ask us to rectify personal data that is incorrect or outdated.
  • The right to restrict processing, meaning that you may request deletion of your personal data or ask us to stop processing your data at any time.
  • The right to raise a justified objection to processing of your personal data.
  • The right to withdraw consent for processing data at any time if you have previously provided us with consent for the processing of your personal data.

In order to protect your personal data, we may require identification from you before releasing the requested information.

We promptly consider each your request and provide a substantive response either by taking the requested action or by providing an explanation for why your request cannot be executed on our side.

If you have any complaints about how we process your data, please send a request here. We will try to do our best to resolve your application.

External links on the website

Our website may contain external links that take you to third-party websites. These websites operate independently of Gehad El-Sobky and are not covered by our Privacy Policy. Data that you share on a third-party website that is linked to from the Gehad El-Sobky website is covered by that third-party website’s own privacy policy and may be collected for use by such third party. Gehad El-Sobky is not liable for data processed by third-party websites and cannot guarantee your safety when interacting with them.

Revisions to the Privacy Policy

Gehad El-Sobky reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time. You are advised to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.

By continuing to use our website, you accept those changes.

Contact details

If you have any questions or comments regarding this Cookie Policy, please send them to us.