As business is more dependent on technology than ever before, the need for digital cybersecurity improvements has also increased.

The Challenge

As digital transformation has become an increasingly popular strategy in organizations in recent years, the need for digital cybersecurity improvements has also increased. The digital cybersecurity implications and risks that can arise during a digital transformation and after the process is complete reflect the close collaboration between the two areas. Digital transformation security must be taken seriously as part of the transformation plan to ensure that programs, technologies, and data in your organization are protected.

Identifying Vulnerabilities

Identifying vulnerabilities requires more than simply running a scan of your environment if you want to stop today’s sophisticated attacks.

Exploiting Vulnerabilities

It is one thing to identify that a vulnerability exists, but something completely different to be able to exploit that vulnerability and see how far you can penetrate into the network and systems.

Understanding Advanced Tactics

To truly protect your environment you need to know which adversaries are more likely to target your organization so you can mimic their advanced tactics to better test your defenses.

How do we help you protect your business?

(1) Penetration Testing

The Benefits of Penetration Testing

Reduce Attack Surface

Identify and mitigate vulnerabilities throughout your IT environment, to reduce the attack surface for today’s advanced threats.

Gain Visibility of Security Gaps

Gain an objective perspective that exposes blind spots and gives you visibility into security gaps that could be missed by your internal IT teams due to a lack of expertise or unfamiliarity with the latest threats.

Test Effectiveness of Security Tools

Test the investments you have made in your cybersecurity tools and technology to determine if any vulnerabilities or gaps exist and whether they can stop a sophisticated attack on your organization.

Prioritize Security Budgets

Prioritize your security budgets where they are needed most, saving money over the long run by preventing wasteful expenditures over the broader security landscape.

Our Steps of a Penetration Test

(1) Pre-attack Phase / Planning

Defining goals, source data, the scope of work, and testing targets.

(2) Attack Phase / Testing

Vulnerabilities detection and scanning.

(3) Post-attack Phase / Reporting

Result analysis and reporting with recommendations for reducing risks.

Where are you on your journey to cybersecurity maturity?

Assess your organization’s cyber resilience and get a personalized guide with recommendations from our experts.

(2) Increase security awareness for staff

Teaching employees how to recognize and properly respond to cyber threats could prevent the majority of data breaches. Such training programs could also increase the value of any investment in cybersecurity solutions by preventing employees from unknowingly bypassing expensive security controls to facilitate cybercrime.

Of all security breaches take place due to human error.

Of all target cyber attacks are laid on employees through emails.

Of data breaches occur due to employee negligence or unawareness.

Of the C-Suite executives believe that human error is the primary cause of data breach

Increase Employee Security Awareness

Book your free session to train your staff on security awareness.