Many entrepreneurs feel they cannot afford coaching, and that's where group coaching can provide guidance and clarity to help you move forward. But in fact, a coach can provide really valuable guidance that will save your business from costly mistakes and a lot of money on the long run.

What is Coaching?

We have all experienced coaching many times in our professional careers. And why should I work with a coach?
According to the International Coach Federation (ICF), coaching is "a partnership with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. Coaching is a client-centered process that is distinct from other service professions such as counseling, mentoring, consulting, and training."The definition of leadership coaching can be summarized as a formal agreement for a specific number of coaching sessions between the individual seeking coaching and a professional outside the organization who has the training, licensure, and experience to help individuals and teams achieve their goals. Coaches provide opportunities for self-reflection, personal growth, and the development of action plans that support your career path and goals.

What are the Benefits of Coaching?

There are a variety of benefits that individuals and teams can receive from utilizing professional coaching services. Some of the benefits of coaching include the following:

Greater Self-Awareness

Greater self-awareness helps you identify and leverage strengths you may not have known you had or underestimated how strong you are. One-on-one coaching helps with this because it uncovers your unique skills and shows you how to use them to achieve your goals.

Reinforce What You Are Good At

Professional confidence comes from an inner conviction that you can actually tackle a project, take on a leadership role, or achieve a big goal.

Build Professional Self-Confidence

Professional confidence comes from an inner conviction that you can actually tackle a project, take on a leadership role, or achieve a big goal. Coaching helps you identify your limiting beliefs, silence negative self-talk, and prevent you from sabotaging yourself. Your coach can give you the tools and techniques to develop a positive attitude toward yourself that comes from within.

Goal Clarity and Developing an Action Plan

One of the biggest impacts professional coaching can have is to help you gain clarity about your goals and aspirations and develop a roadmap to achieve them. Your coach will support you in achieving your goals, encourage you, motivate you, and remind you why you embarked on this journey when the going gets tough.

Accountability and Motivation

Reaching your goals is a marathon, not a sprint. There will be ups and downs, setbacks, and obstacles. A professional coach provides a level of accountability in the workplace that is usually impossible to achieve on your own. Your coach will support you in achieving your goals, encourage you, motivate you, and remind you why you embarked on this journey when the going gets tough.

What are the different types of coaches we offer?

Group Coach

A peer group coach mentors a group of people who are not working together, but who share a common goal.

Team Coach

The terms "team coach" and "group coach" are often used interchangeably, although they really should not be. Therefore, team coaching differs from group coaching in that it is used for coaching intact teams with a common goal or project.

Organizational Coach

An organizational coach works very differently than the other types of coaches mentioned above, working with executives and managers to align leadership behaviors with strategic initiatives and organizational goals.

Life Coach (Career Coach)

Helps clients with career changes, workplace relationship issues, work/life balance, and building self-confidence.

Unleash Your Potential with One-On-One Coaching